
"Fear no more the heat of the sun..."

Virginia Woolf-  Mrs. Dalloway


No pude dejar de leerlo. Publicado en 1925, lleva ese tono de postguerra, pero los diferentes temas (feminismo, homosexualidad, depresión, ...) y los personajes se entrelazan. Recordar el pasado y citar a Shakespeare.

Author of One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Photograph: Isabel Steva Hernandez (Colita)/Copyright Corbis
Author of One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Photograph: Isabel Steva Hernandez (Colita)/Copyright Corbis

Thanks for Macondo, thanks for everything




Book Haul April 


La tentación de los libros y sus mágicos mundos.


Reading Is Fundamental




Princesses Behaving Badly: Real Stories from History Without the Fairy-Tale Endings - Linda Rodriguez McRobbie

"Princesses Behaving Badly: Real Stories from History Without the Fairy-Tale Endings" by L. Rodriguez McRobbie.


The book itself has some chapters and characters worth reading, but at the same time it adds details and stories that maybe one can take as "they do not belong in this book", or at least with a tone that differs from the first stories.


Still, it is worth reading if one fancy history and its princesses and the desire to learn (as well as the empowering scandals around them or the sad ending stories)


pd: At the end of the book we can find some more books (made by historians or magazines, etc) and acquire more knowledge, que nunca está de más.

LEGO literature

Literature in Lego. Scenes from Books in Lego style.

DIY Cardboard Cloud Bookshelf

The Periodic Table of Storytelling

Reblogged from Bacon Ninja:

The Periodic Table of Storytelling


Click on header link to enbiggen


Leute die lesen IV

The lady told me that she chose it because it was reasy to read, not that long and it won a Nobel Prize. But an opinion about the book, she doesnt have one yet.





Leute die lesen III

The 10 Weirdest And Most Wonderful Libraries In The World

Leute die lesen II

"Für Gymnasium. Französisch oder Griechish." I guess you can tell which one he chose.




Leute die lesen, specially on trains

 I will ask them politely to pose with the books they are reading at that moment ;)


Ich frage Fremde, die ich im Zug sehe, welches Buch lesen und so ;)





Frauen, die Lesen, sind gefährlich
Frauen, die Lesen, sind gefährlich

Ernest Hemingway Creates a Reading List for a Young Writer, 1934

The Metropolitan Museum of Art :

375 Books to download!!! (free) (link below)


THANK YOU METROPOLOTAN MUSEUM OF ART for making this possible, I wish I could visit it and see all the expositions. 


Interesados en libros de arte y gratis? El Museo de Arte Metropolitano te deja bajar libros de arte bajo este link:

Currently reading

The Book of English Magic
Philip Carr-Gomm
El Laberinto de la Soledad y Otras Obras
Octavio Paz
Manhattan Transfer
John Dos Passos
Edward W. Said
James Joyce
On the Shoulders of Giants: The Great Works of Physics And Astronomy
Stephen Hawking
Flavia de Luce - Mord im Gurkenbeet
Alan Bradley
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Publisher: Vintage Books
Edgar Allan Poe