At the moment reading: "Mostly Harmless" by Douglas Adams. Next to it "Nafea Faaipoipo" by Paul Gauguin. 1892. Tahiti. Oil paint on canvas. You can see it at Kunstmuseum, Basel, Switzerland. Gauguin said that he shut his eyes "in order to see"
Buchhandlung in Füssen:
"Bruhns Buchhandlung"
Reichenstr. 10
87629 Füssen
Tenían a Kundera en la vitrina *__*
"Stadtbibliothek in der Orangerie"
Orangerieweg 20-22
87439 Kempten (Allgäu)
Beautiful *__*
"Lesezeichen" is one of my favourite bookstores in Kempten. You can buy a good book and have a cup of coffe. Small but cozy.
More info:
Rathausplatz 9, 87435 Kemten
Used books need love too!!!
Ese cliché de que a pesar de tener libros para leer siempre quieres más es parte de tu vida también?. Entonces dale una oportunidad a los libros usados.
Guía de cómo obtener libros usados en Alemania:
Estás de intercambio? Eres estudiante? Debes ahorrrar y babeas en las vitrinas de las librerías?
1.- Averigua dónde queda la Biblioteca Municipal en el lugar de Alemania donde resides ("Stadtbücherei").
2.-Muchas veces en la entrada suelen haber letreros como "Verschenken", eso significa que puedes tomar los libros que desees sin tener que pagar nada.
-Si el letrero dice "Spenden" significa que puedes tomar libros pero debes dar una donación, que suele ser lo que desees dar y no seas tan tacaño ;)
-La otra opción es que diga "Flohmarkt" , (mercado de pulgas), dentro de los mismos libros en la primera página verás cuánto sale cada libro, muchos no salen más de 5 euros.
3.- Orgullosamente llévatelos a casa
GRACIAS a la Stadtbücherei Kempten que mis nuevos libros usados son:
-"El Umbral de los dioses" by Varios autores
-"Der illustrierte Mann" by Ray Bradbury
-"Wesen und Werden der deutschen Dichtung" by Georg Ried
-"Theatre" by Marivaux
-"Abschiedsvorstellung für Monsieur P." by Agatha Christie
-"Hiroshima mon amour" Marguerite Duras
-"Elizabeth von Armin. Elizabeth und ihr Garten"
Yes, I grew up in Southamerica, yes I Know about Cortázar, Borges, Skármeta, Fuentes, Allende, etc...
And I am waiting for the "post -modernism" of latinamerica.
But where are those authors? where are those writers?
It seems that litetary agents for southamerican writers are just hanging around Spain, multiply themselves there, and living happily ever after with what they already got.
But how about the young blood? do those writers even exists?
I like to say yes, but they are not typing in a coffe shop, they are mostly teachers fighting for a chance to be read, most of them are even working in marketing as creative staff and time to time they made it, to the first publication or with luck to a second book that will not be sold in a bookstore. The writer probably will sell it to relatives and the latter will say "I am not a fan of reading, but great work".
The book will be put somewhere, the writer will be working as a civilian and its art unknown to anyone else outside the circle.
Making new markets, bringing the chance to be heard and more Bookfairs might be the tools to speak up and let them have a chance to these new authors. It is not that they haven´t try, the circumstances have changed, the reader has changed, but I am working on the hope, (secret project), and let´s see how it will develop.
Beloved fantasy author Terry Pratchett has died at the age of 66. He will be very much missed but not forgotten. Have a look at some of Terry Pratchett's most inspirational quotes - fill up your mind with writer's words and your shelves with his incredible books.